Club Volunteer

Looking for an opportunity to volunteer at the East York Soccer Club? We’ve got lots of way that you can be involved!

East York Soccer Club is continuously looking for individuals to join our team of dedicated volunteers. East York Soccer Club Volunteers help with the preparation, execution and set up/tear down of club & community events. We are looking for dedicated, hardworking and passionate individuals who are willing to volunteer their time to help the East York Soccer Club while completing volunteer requirements for post-secondary diplomas. If interested please fill out our East York Soccer Club Volunteer Application form and return.

Volunteer Coach

Interested in coaching your son or daughter for the season? Looking to get your community hours for high school? Have a general passion for the game and want to try your hand at coaching a team? We’re always looking for Volunteer Coaches for our indoor and outdoor house league programs. Coaching is both a fun and rewarding experience. Become a volunteer coach today! Email the form below to

Coach’s Application Forms

High School Student Volunteers

You can earn high school volunteer hours with the East York Soccer Club. Earn Volunteer Hours by helping out at your local Soccer Club, The East York Soccer Club during the Summer Season From May-Sept and during the Indoor Season Oct – Mar. Since Sept 1999 one of the requirements for all students in Ontario is to complete 40 hours of community involvement in order to received an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD).

For more info about why need the community hours go to Students that who are interested in getting community hours, contact the East York Soccer Club. Summary Community Hours Page >>

Parent Volunteers

East York Soccer Club is Not-For-Profit Organization. As many of you are aware, youth soccer throughout Ontario depends heavily on parents volunteers. Parents like you, who volunteer their time and skills are backbone a successful program. To help, you don’t need to have previous soccer experience. All you need is a community spirit and enjoy working with kids, we will help you with the rest.

We all have busy lives and finding time to volunteer seems difficult But the reality is you are already going to be out there watching your child participate >children watch everything that their parents do By giving back to the community in this small way you show them how important it is to volunteer and how good it feels to help and make a change Volunteering out time freely for others is one of most significant contribution we can offer for our community. It is also the most rewarding.

If you are able to help by volunteering while your child participate we would realy appreciate it WE need Parents help coach H/L teams If you are able contact the club Head Coach.