Coaching Certification
One thing great coaches have in common is a thirst for knowledge, and a desire to learn more about sport, techniques used by other coaches and other systems. This section of our website provides information on development opportunities and information on where to obtain certification and become a better coach.
Coaches like athletes, can be successful through an intensive process of encouragement, nurturance, education and training. Whether coaching 6 year olds or 16 year olds, we encourage you to become an “expert coach.” Excellence at any level rarely happens without the knowledge and driven passion of an expert coach.
The Canadian Soccer Association, in conjunction with the Ontario Soccer Association have developed the “Community Coach Concept”. The Community Coaching Certificate and its components has been designed to support recreational and competitive Community Club coaches across the country.
The Ontario Soccer Association ( OSA) has mandated that every coach H/L or competitive needs to have a coaching certificate. The OSA is promoting the new program Long Term Coach’s Development for all Coaches H/L and Competitive. Also, the new Coaching levels are:
- Active Start
- FUNdamentals
- Learn to train
- Active for Life
Please contact the club if you are interested.
H/L Coaches please contact, House League Coaches Info” Dragan Zagar at to find out which level you need.
For Competitive Coaches, contact the Club Competitive Director, Rodney Kirwan.